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See below the complete list of the winning proposals for the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Advanced Scholars Program.


Project Title

University of Alberta Coming Together – Strengthening Partnerships between Ghana and Canada to Address Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
University of Calgary QES-Advanced Scholars (International Development)
Carleton University Societal Transformation and Climate Change: Training the next generation of scholars in Sub-Sahara Africa (NextGen Climate Change Advanced Scholars)
Lakehead University Agrobiodiversity, Nutrition and Sustainable Marketing of Heritage Crops in Ecuador and Canada
Wilfrid Laurier University Building Capacity in Urban Food System Governance in LMIC Cities
McGill University A network of interdisciplinary, solution-oriented researchers to improve the livelihoods and food and nutrition security of adolescent girls and women farmers in rural Ghana
Université de Moncton Développement des “leaders” pour une meilleure nutrition des filles et des femmes, un incontournable pour le mieux-être des populations d’Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale
Université de Montréal Bourses de recherche destinées aux chercheurs doctoraux, post-doctoraux et en début carrière du Canada et de Chine dans les domaines du droit et de la santé
University of Ottawa The Open African Innovation Research Partnership (Open AIR): New and Emerging Researcher Fellowship Program
Queen’s University QE Scholars Network for Equity in Maternal and Child Health
University of Regina University of Regina Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Program for Advanced Scholars: Innovative Approaches to Climate Change
Ryerson University Strengthening Coastal Aquifer Resilience and Groundwater Use Against Climate Change Effects in the Caribbean
University of Saskatchewan Global Leaders Scholarship – Seeking Sustainable Solutions in Food Security and Nutrition for Women and Children: A Tri-Country Approach
Simon Fraser University Providing Sustainable Potable Water and Greenhouse Crops
University of Toronto The Statistical Alliance for Vital Events (SAVE) Queen Elizabeth Scholarship-Advanced Scholars Program (SAVE-QES)
University of New Brunswick Entrepreneurship Education and Training for Canada, India, china and Ghana
Université du Québec en Outaouais Partenariat pour l’amélioration de la santé maternelle et infantile en Afrique de l’Ouest à l’aide de la santé numérique
University of Victoria Regulating Globalization in South and Southeast Asia
University of Waterloo Water Security as a Foundation for Healthy Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods
University of Winnipeg The University of Winnipeg Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee International Scholars Program
York University Ecological Economics, Commons Governance, and Climate Justice

Read the full media release here.